Our Story

We are Sruthy Syam - IT graduate and programmer and Jismaria George - MBA graduate and HR professional. We are friends and have been working together in freelancing IT Projects. However, after a rapid growth in our business journey we had decided together to build our affinity in the name of LOGWON PRIVATE LIMITED.

Why Start-up Logwon and why now?

Covid pandemic changed the world, especially the workplaces.

Work from Home/remote working is more accepted than before. There is a big requirement of experienced professionals to fill this market demand to keep up the process of building a better future. That’s why we bootstrap logWon pvt ltd now to add value to this process through our IT and customer care professionals from India. We also carry out Web development and software development under our responsibility- if it matches our current Tech stack.

What makes us different?

Obviously providing remote professionals/staffing services is not at all a new concept, especially from a country like India, which is well known for outsourcing. Most successful IT companies provide good quality Professional’s service to the clients.

However, along with that, we also want to provide deserving remuneration to whoever works with us too, even if it shortens the profit Margin of our company. We pay at least the upper range of salary in the job market, which will increase the life quality of our Team. We believe welfare and self-worthiness of our professionals is directly proportional to their productivity as well as good karma for us and our clients.